Friends and Family!

Thank you all for bearing with me… My website was down for quite a while but now its up and I’m ready to get the ball rolling.

A lot of new music has been written a long with a very new band. Since re-locating to Brooklyn I have had the pleasure of working with some incredible musicians. I have definitely evolved as a person and musician within a very short amount of time. New York does that to you. Without realizing it you end up working harder then you ever have before.

Right now its the fall.. Beautiful time. I always enjoyed the fall. It puts me in a reflective mood, giving me the space to evaluate my current situation and think where to go from here. Right now is a very ambiguous time in America. In some ways it’s incredibly terrifying. Being the son of two immigrant parents, I’m definitely very cautious about my surroundings. I have felt a lot of uncertainty and fear, but a long with that is a feeling of hope. A strong feeling of change.

With that being said, I am even more excited to present my new music. My purpose for it is stronger then ever. We’re all trying to find our own ways to change the world. I think I’ve always just secretly wanted to be a superhero…. I’m sure all my friends have dealt with me bringing Batman up during incredibly inappropriate situations. Though I can’t run at super speeds or lift up a building.. I can play music, and I feel connected to something bigger when I do. And I believe that’s worth sharing, and that can change something.


I love you all. Hope to see many of you soon.




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